Take that.
Baby Things!
Oliver is snotty. Sometimes when he sneezes a big gooey booger shoots out of his nose. Example:
This is an internet baby. Not my baby. When a big gooey booger shoots out of my kids nose, I don't take time to snap a shot. I dry heave and then quickly remove it.
Elliot smiles, like ALL the time. At anything. I like him, a lot, for this reason because no one else thinks I'm funny. So he makes me feel really good about myself.
You did not just say that! You are too funny, mom! I will vote for you as Funniest Girl in Class!
The boys are learning to sit up and although they get whip lash every once in a while they can pretty much hold their heads up, too.
Dude, did you just see them boobies?!
Oliver kinda sorta rolled over once but he was on the couch so I can't say for sure if it was just the angle he was at or if he actually rolled himself over. He boots-scoots-boogies his way around the crib, though, so I'm sure he's getting close to rolling all over the place.
And just for grins, here is a snuggle pants picture of me and my precious boys
Go ahead and say it..."Awwwww"