3/23/2011: Cycle Day 1
I suppose technically this is considered Miscarriage Day 1. I
don't have any inclination of how this works or when we will
be approved to start our second cycle, so I'm assuming May.
We have a post-cycle appointment with the baby Doc 3/30 so
I'll know more then.
3/24/2011: Start Birth Control
4/6/2011: Waiting
Absolutely nothing is happening. I haven't heard from my
Docs office. I haven't gotten any new instructions. I haven't
found out when I can start. NOTHING is happening and I'm
feeling the infertility emotion of: FED UP!
4/8/2011: Calm Down, Everything is Fine
I finally spoke with my Doctor today. She is switching me to
a "Microflare Lupron" protocol which is completely different
from the "Long Luteal" I did last time. Apparently I didn't have
a good ovarian response to the long lupron phase. My egg
retrieval is tenatively scheduled for May 18th or 19th.
**Microflare Lupron protocol differs from a Long Luteal Lupron
protocol in this way: The initial 2 or 3 days of taking Lupron
actually jump starts your body to start producing, but the Lupron
then starts suppressing your bodys natural production. With a
Microflare protocol, they let my body naturally produce and then
instead of suppressing it, they grab hold of it and use it. So the
second day after starting Lupron I will start the stimulation drugs
to continue my bodys natural production, only on steriods.
4/15/2011: Stab my Doctor and Nurse in the eye
I got news today that my Doctor wants us to postpone our
second cycle for "a few months". What...the...hell, man. I'm in
a state of shock at this point. Why would you tell me, only ONE
week ago, that we were approved for a May cycle and then turn
around ONE week later and change our plans? The excuse from
the nurse was, "Oh, I just thought that Dr. B would be ok with
I need to cut this post off. I could go on and on about how pissed
I am.
4/18/2011: Oh hell, my emotions are out of control and I'm not even on drugs yet
Change of plans...AGAIN. We are back on for a May transfer.
My doctor didn't realize that our first retrieval was early March
so technically late May is "a few months". EESH!
5/2/2011: Baseline Ultrasound
Everything looked good! I start injections on Friday.
5/6/2011: Begin Lupron
I take two injections of Lupron everyday starting today. They
have to be exactly 12 hours apart and have to be taken at the
same time each day. I chose 7:30...so 7:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.
5/8/2011: Continue Lupron, add Stimulations
Along with the two injections of lupron, I now add one injection
of Gonal-F and one of Menopur. FOUR INJECTIONS EVERY
5/10/2011: Estradiol/Progesterone Blood Work
All is well, my level was 80.8 and it has to be over a 50 to
continue. Let's make some eggs!
5/13/2011: Follicle Scan #1
Well, not the best news but not the worst. I have 14 follicles but
only 4 were around the 10 mm mark. The rest were very small,
measuring in between 4 and 9 mm. Another scan on Monday.
5/16/2011: Follicle Scan #2
MUCH better news today! My follicles jumped in size and most
of them were over 16mm. My retreival is Thursday!
5/19/2011: Retrieval
They retrieved five eggs. Yes, only five. That sucks BUT it's
about quality not quantity.
5/20/2011: Embryo Report
3 of the 5 eggs fertilized normally. That is great news as I was
worried only 1 or 2 would. Phew!
*I'm still in a lot of pain today. I am (sorry) constipated and
bloated...all that fluid retained in my stomach is pushing on my
already sore ovaries and uterus. I would do this everyday, though,
if it meant a healthy pregnancy!
5/21/2011: 2nd Embryo Report
All 3 of my embryos split into 4-cells! I knew they were better
5/24/2011: Transfer
I begged and pleaded for all three embryos to be transfered but
they denied me. They were pretty confident in the two embryos
they had chosen for transfer and they really didn't feel that
using all three would be a good idea. I mean, seriously, I'm small,
there is no way that three babies could fit inside my belly.
5/25/2011: Remaining Embryo Report
The 3rd embryo that they didn't transfer is hatching and going
into the freezer!!! This is such great news, I tell you. It just gives
us one more string of hope.
6/1/2011: First Beta (Pregnancy) Blood Test
Holy hell, my first beta, only 8 days past transfer, is 284!!! This
is really high for only 8 days past. I am keeping this pregnancy,
I tell you.
6/3/2011: Second Beta Blood Test
I am freaking out here, dudes! My second beta is 585.
Technically, a beta should double every 36-48 hours so I am
chugging along at a perfectly normal rate.
6/6/2011: Third Beta Blood Test
Holy crap it's crazy high! 1652 for 13 days past transfer is
seriously the coolest thing, like, ever. I will not be surprised to
hear there are two munchkins in there.
6/20/2011: First Ultrasound!